Assuring Psychological Safety

You’ve never been taught to think.  You’ve only been told to think.

Duration: 44 Minutes

Kieran O’Mahony, Ph.D., is a Learning Scientist in Cognitive Neuroscience.  He’s mapped and scientifically demonstrated how the brain accepts – that’s important – information, and how learners' brains love to learn. 

Today’s most high-value work is cognitive in nature.  This means, if you’re a thinker, you’re more valuable.  The problem is, you’ve never been taught to think.  You’ve only been told to think. 

Dr. O'Mahony outlines the rewards for the business, the workers, how it's done (in a matter of days!), and what to expect.

Innovative companies are recognizing these 21st-Century Learning skills and benefitting from immense savings across the enterprise.  They’re adapting their culture to learner-centric frameworks that not only make it safe to learn, but they also become fun and rewarding for all.

The Neuroscience of Learning framework:  Brain-centric Design